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Feliz Paseos Park

Feliz Paseos is the first Pima County park to be fully designed as a Universally Accessible Park. The 2 miles of trails are for everyone at all levels of recreational ability. Facilities include signs that indicate trail difficulty, restrooms, water fountains, a ramada, and an emergency telephone. Located at 1600 N. Camino de Oeste, Tucson, Arizona in the Tucson Mountains, the park is only 15 minutes from Downtown Tucson.
(Pima County Feliz Paseos Park pdf)

In 1998, Laural Park, our far-sighted member, contacted Shayla Spencer only a few days before the 57 acres were to be sold for development. The gently rolling site was part of Shayla's family's historic Rancho de las Lomas. She was extremely supportive of the universally accessible park concept and sold the land for a very reasonable price.

Much more remained to be done before Feliz Paseos Park opened in 2006. To learn the back story, click here.


Laural Park comments, "The news articles do not sufficiently include the support and work our neighborhood boards did to make this happen... Very early on, GPANA and the neighborhood members embraced the idea and were instrumental in making it happen. We all worked as a team and were present every step of the way. Yay Team!" (Laural Park, personal communication, January 2018)


GPANA members volunteer throughout the year for clean-up days as part of our commitment to the Pima County "Adopt A Park" Program.

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