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Stinknet. Be on the lookout

Stinknet is a highly invasive, highly flammable species that if left unchecked can squeeze out our Sonoran Desert native floor plants. The Phoenix area is loaded with it. Emerging in late November, flowering starts in late February and continues through May. Flowers are very distinctive, bright yellow and shaped like a little yellow ball. This is an excellent link for more information.

And this is the link to report Stinknet

When reporting to it is best to provide a photo with location information. Also, it's a good idea to carry Ziploc bags when hiking or walking your neighborhood should you come across it and want to pull it on the spot. It can be noxious to skin, so be careful.


Gates Pass is rattlesnake country!

What to do if bitten. While rattlesnakes are part of life in Arizona, following two simple rules will prevent almost all bites: 1. Look before you step or reach (includes using a flashlight in the dark) and 2. Leave rattlesnakes alone when you encounter them. Despite their reputation, these creatures want nothing to do with something our size but will quickly bite defensively when bothered.

     So, what should you do if someone is bitten by a rattlesnake? It’s simple: go to a hospital emergency room without delay. The only effective treatment is antivenom and first aid measures only waste time. Tissue damage begins immediately when the venom is injected and antivenom cannot repair damage, it can only neutralize venom before it finds its target tissue.

     In GPANA’s area, I would call 9-1-1 since paramedics will get you safely through traffic to an appropriate hospital. In Tucson, I would prefer to be treated at Banner-University Medical Center (1625 N. Campbell Avenue, just north of Speedway; follow signs to “Emergency”). It is not only a Level-I Trauma Center but is home to the Arizona Poison and Drug Information Center with true envenomation experts who managed the clinical trials for both rattlesnake antivenoms currently licensed by the FDA. In fact, you can always call the Poison Center with questions at 800-222-1222 or check out their website at


Mike Cardwell, MS

Adjunct Researcher, San Diego State University

Consulting Biologist, AZ Poison and Drug Information Center

Feliz Paseos Park and Leash Laws: Did You Know?

Dog owners! Fines can be quite steep for running your dog unleashed and/or neglecting to pick up after your dog in public areas. Please read the attached doc so you can stay informed. Click Here.

Beat Back Buffelgrass

Buffelgrass is an invasive species that is extremely flammable and dangerous for the ecosystem of the Sonoran Desert. The Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum spearheads Buffelgrass removal efforts along with other invasive species. What can you do? Learn to identify Buffelgrass, be sure your property is free of it, educate neighbors, participate in a Buffelgrass pull, and help keep our scenic routes free from Buffelgrass. Visit the Desert Museum's "Save Our Saguaros" website page to learn more. To sign up for a Buffelgrass pull click HERE.

Want a deeper dive into Buffelgrass Statutes and Regulations?  Go to Pima County Buffelgrass. 

Dangerously Venomous Animals
Member Mike Cardwell, a well known rattlesnake expert, has written an informative summary on the venomous animals found in the Tucson Mountains. A reminder for long-time residents, but important reading for new residents not familiar with our local critters. Please share with new neighbors. Click the image below to be taken to the full story and print for future reference.

GPANA-Dangerous-Animals-Jan2022-button copy.png

AZ Native and Exotic Toxic Plants

Board Member Tony Knight is a Veterinarian and Pima County Master Gardener. He shares with us an informative article he wrote for "The Plant Press," a publication of the The Arizona Native Plant Society. Read it here!


Wildlife Neighbors, Tucson Mountains

Our wildlife neighbors are an interesting and diverse bunch of creatures. They adapted to life in these arid lands long before we arrived. See the links below for what you can expect to see in our Sonoran Desert.

Amphibians and reptiles of the Tucson Mountains, AZ

Birds of the Tucson Mountains, AZ

Mammals of the Tucson Mountains, AZ

Solid Waste Disposal and Recycling

Because our Gates Pass area sits outside the Tucson City Limits, residents need to employ a solid waste hauler. Waste Management and RAD are two of the major solid waste haulers servicing our area. At this time, Waste Management does allow clean glass, without a lid, in the recycling bin. This may not be the case with other haulers. You can also opt to self-haul your glass to the El Rio Center, 1390 Speedway, or the Westside Police Substation, 1310 Miracle Mile. These would be the closest glass recycling stations to our west side.

Info on Waste and Recycling in Pima County: Click Here

Info on Hazardous Waste and how to dispose of it: Click Here

Area Hospitals and Emergency Centers

Click Here to go to a hospital listing, provided with permission by Tucson Lifestyle Magazine, of medical centers closest to our area.

Urgent Care Centers close to the Gates Pass Area:

Northwest Urgent Care Speedway (4.8 miles)

1370 North Silverbell Road 170, Tucson, AZ 85745

(520) 205-8950 

Concentra Urgent Care (6.1 miles)

2301 North Forbes Blvd. Suite 111, Tucson, AZ 85745

(520) 628-4340

Banner Urgent Care (14 miles)

5545 East Broadway Blvd. Suite 101, Tucson, AZ 85711

(520) 694-4920

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